Bar six, sherbet dib dabs
Spangles, flares and space hoppers
Four inch coloured platforms
Trying to ride Raleigh Choppers
Summers seemed longer then
More so as time passes
Was our youth so optimistic
Or is it just rose tinted glasses?
Orange Wembley footballs
Fourteen a side down the park
Anoraks for goalposts
Next goal wins, it’s getting dark
Bike rides, slides and making dens
Escaping from school classes
Were things really different then
Or is it just my rose tinted glasses?
Thursday – Top of the Pops
One family sat round one T.V.
Saturday – Morecambe and Wise
Back in nineteen seventy three
The freedom and the innocence
Naïveté that youth enjoys
Happy to sing along with
Noddy – Cum On Feel The Noize
Just living for the present
Anthems for the masses
Is it just nostalgia
Or is it just my rose tinted glasses
Or is it just my rose tinted glasses
Or is it just my rose tinted glasses